Home > USA > Pennsylvania > Lehigh County > Schnecksville
Primary air pollutant in the Schnecksville area:
PM2.5 - 41 Good
Enjoy your outdoor activities.
Other Pollutants:
OZONE - 19 Good
Current Conditions: At 2 p.m. EST this Monday afternoon, skies are partly sunny but with a cold wind. Air quality remains in the good range with a brisk northwest wind that has been dominant the past few days. Good air quality will remain with us through Tuesday, then may turn moderate a good part of Wednesday as a cold front approaches. Here are the forecast details: *** Tuesday’s forecast: PM2.5 will be highest Tuesday morning but end up averaging in the good range as northwest flow increases and humidity remains low. Partly sunny skies will only push high temperatures to near 40 degrees. *** Extended forecast: Moderate PM2.5 is possible Wednesday with light southwest winds into the early afternoon. The sky also turns mostly cloudy late in the day. A cold front passing through late Wednesday night brings a period of snow out ahead of it. Snow accumulations will total under an inch. Windy and cold Thursday and Friday with temperatures no higher than the middle and upper 30s and wind chills in the middle 20s, but PM2.5 concentrations will be in the good range. Below normal temperatures remain with us into the upcoming weekend.---McAuliffe
Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 48 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 44 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 52 Moderate
Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good