AQ Index for De Motte, Indiana

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Current AQ Index in De Motte

De Motte Air Pollutants

Primary air pollutant in the De Motte area:

PM2.5 - 52 Moderate

If you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.

Other Pollutants:

OZONE - 8 Good

PM10 - 15 Good

Daily Air Quality Forecast for De Motte, Indiana

Air Quality model analysis and decision  Fine Particulate: The NOAA 06Z forecast has low moderates in the areas that currently have snowpack with lower values in those that do not through Wednesday. As it stands right now, we should stay below freezing for the entire week with the exception of Wednesday when we get several hours of warm air advection but that will occur with increased wind speeds and more low-level mixing. This combination of factors will severely limit any increase in fine particulate from melting snow. Next, fire activity in the western and far northeast US is limited and not expected to impact the forecast area over the next 72 hours. It is worth noting that the FireWork model has very low levels of surface smoke across southern Indiana in the short term, but those values seem suspect currently. Finally, the NOAA Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook for November had above normal potential for fire activity along almost the entire length of the Appalachian Mountains, which could continue into December especially along the southern Appalachians.

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good