Home > USA > Arizona > Cochise County > Mcneal
Primary air pollutant in the Mcneal area:
PM10 - 53 Moderate
If you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.
[View the ADEQ Hourly Forecast for Douglas]
Generally mild weather conditions will prevail throughout this week. The main thing to note will be the gradual cooling trend, as a low-pressure pattern is forecast to move into the region during the middle of the week. Skies will remain mostly sunny, and winds mostly light.
PM10 (dust) will be locally driven each day. Therefore, highest PM10 levels are expected in the morning and evening hours. For now, PM10 is forecast in the Good AQI category each day.
Check back tomorrow morning for the latest.
M. Graves
Last Update: Monday, December 2, 2024, 9:38 AM
Primary Pollutant: PM10 - 24 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM10 - 21 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM10 - 22 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM10 - 24 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM10 - 26 Good
Primary Pollutant: PM10 - 23 Good