AQ Index for Milltown, Wisconsin

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Current AQ Index in Milltown

Milltown Air Pollutants

Primary air pollutant in the Milltown area:

PM2.5 - 34 Good

Enjoy your outdoor activities.

Daily Air Quality Forecast for Milltown, Wisconsin

Northwest winds will decrease in speed throughout the day Monday, as high pressure shifts each across the region. Fine particle levels have gradually been dropping statewide due to a cleaner airmass moving into the state. Air quality should be in the Green (good) AQI category statewide Monday. Winds will become light overnight, which may allow for a temporary build-up of fine particle pollution due to poor dispersion, particularly across southern Minnesota. However, winds will become southerly on Tuesday and increase in speed. Improved dispersion during the daytime hours Tuesday will improve air quality. Overall, air quality should again be in the Green AQI category statewide Tuesday. A strong low pressure system will pass to the north early Wednesday morning and a frontal boundary will sweep across the state. This will produce westerly winds and usher in a new airmass Wednesday morning. A second frontal boundary will move south across the state in the afternoon and northwest winds behind this front will pull in a colder airmass later in the day. Northwest winds will continue Thursday, but will become lighter as high pressure approaches the state. Air quality should remain in the Green category statewide through Thursday.

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 11 Good

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 25 Good

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good