AQ Index for Spaulding, Oklahoma

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Current AQ Index in Spaulding

Spaulding Air Pollutants

Primary air pollutant in the Spaulding area:

PM2.5 - 70 Moderate

If you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.

Other Pollutants:

OZONE - 19 Good

PM10 - 31 Good

Daily Air Quality Forecast for Spaulding, Oklahoma

Cold temperatures, sunshine and light winds through Wednesday. Expect clear enough to enjoy outdoor activities throughout the state all week, albeit with slight increases in particle pollution to Thursday afternoon. Today's AQI will be in the low Moderate range from central to eastern Oklahoma.

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 55 Moderate

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 30 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM10 - 20 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 55 Moderate

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 30 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM10 - 20 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 55 Moderate

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 30 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM10 - 20 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 51 Moderate

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 30 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM10 - 20 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 50 Good

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 30 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM10 - 20 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 50 Good

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 30 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM10 - 20 Good