AQ Index for Grant, Minnesota

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Current AQ Index in Grant

Grant Air Pollutants

Primary air pollutant in the Grant area:

PM2.5 - 65 Moderate

If you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.

Other Pollutants:

PM10 - 21 Good

Daily Air Quality Forecast for Grant, Minnesota

Fine particle pollution concentrations peaked earlier this Friday morning across southern Minnesota, prior to a cold frontal passage. Now that north winds are in place, the rest of the day should feature cleaner air statewide. An incoming low pressure system will make for a return to breezy southerly winds Saturday, and modest increases in air pollution may thus return through the weekend. The Yellow (moderate) AQI category is most possible from the Twin Cities to southeastern Minnesota on Sunday. The AQI is based on calendar day 24 hour averages, so even though the rest of Minnesota shows a Green (good) AQI forecast, periods of elevated fine particle pollution are possible across other parts of southern and central Minnesota this weekend as well. A cold frontal passage will bring a cleaner and much colder airmass by Monday, with all of Minnesota in the Green AQI category.

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 33 Good

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Moderate

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good