AQ Index for Chokio, Minnesota

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Current AQ Index in Chokio

Chokio Air Pollutants

Primary air pollutant in the Chokio area:

PM2.5 - 34 Good

Enjoy your outdoor activities.

Other Pollutants:

OZONE - 24 Good

PM10 - 17 Good

Daily Air Quality Forecast for Chokio, Minnesota

The weather across Minnesota this Tuesday afternoon has turned quieter, with partly to mostly sunny skies and light winds. Light wildfire smoke has brought low Moderate (Yellow) air quality to most of the state. Light winds and sun has helped push ozone to Yellow in much of southern Minnesota. A disturbance will pass through the area late Wednesday/Wednesday night and will bring a round of showers and thunderstorms. Most of the day Wednesday will be sunny and warm which should allow ozone to reach Yellow east-Central and southeast Minnesota, and the leftover wildfire smoke will lead to Yellow AQIs over most of the state. The disturbance will likely set off another round of convection on Thursday in eastern Minnesota and Wisconsin. Air quality may return to Green (Good) on Thursday depending on the extent of the rain and thunderstorms that occur the previous night. Ridging and a northwest frow pattern will take hold starting Thursday night and will dominate our weather pattern into the weekend. It will be sunny and warm with isolated afternoon storms. Our air will be coming from western Canada where currently there is only light smoke in the Canadian prairie provinces. A mix of Good to low Moderate air quality is expected for Friday and over the weekend.

Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 51 Moderate

Secondary Pollutant: OZONE - 48 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good

Primary Pollutant: OZONE - 0 Good

Secondary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 0 Good