Home > USA > Alabama > Talladega County > Mignon
Primary air pollutant in the Mignon area:
PM2.5 - 65 Moderate
If you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.
Other Pollutants:
PM10 - 19 Good
OZONE - 25 Good
Saturday-Tuesday: Surface high pressure will begin the weekend on top of the area and will shift east of the area on Sunday. This will lead to a dry and clear sky weekend. Another shot of cold air will move into the area on Sunday and will drop temperatures for Monday and Tuesday. Another surface high will build into the area on Monday and Tuesday to continue the mostly sunny skies. PM2.5 is expected to be in the yellow range through Tuesday. ML
Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 55 Moderate
Primary Pollutant: PM2.5 - 53 Moderate